Hayley Dunne Hayley Dunne

What is Embodiment?

*A note on the terms embodiment/ somatics- these are on the most part used interchangeably to mean the same thing. While these terms may have gained popularity in recent years in the West, many cultures have long practiced body-centered awareness, even if they are not described with terms like 'embodiment' or 'somatics'.

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Hayley Dunne Hayley Dunne

Small Shifts: The practice of 1%

For most of my life, I’ve tended to be either all in or all out, so when the idea of small shifts was first introduced to me, it didn’t exactly knock my socks off. Maybe you feel this too? In a world where big, life changing, overnight transformations sell, it can be hard to trust that the slow way really is the fast way.

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Hayley Dunne Hayley Dunne

To The White People Here (Myself Included)

If you’re a white person, today’s post is specifically for you. It’s time (overdue) that I speak up more here about our responsibility as people with white privilege.

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